Radio Mojo- the Podcast.

Eric Dill Co Owner and Distiller at Ko'Olau Distillery on Old Pali Road Whiskey

Jo McGarry

When Eric Dill joined Jo to chat about making Old Pali Road Whiskey he also shared how the distillery had made the decision in April to shut down production and ramp up hand sanitizer production for local first responders. The decision, despite the fact it impacted their business, was an easy one for  the U.S Marine Corps veteran and his business partner Lt Col Ian Brooks.  "It's what we do," he says modestly. " Ian and I have been to places where civilizations have broken down so we thought if we could help at the ports, with Matson, and with first responders then we would." Distilling for 18 hours a day, they provided gallons of essential hand sanitizers until supplies were replenished.  "Its in our DNA , if there's a problem we can help with then its just what we do, I guess. "